Clam Corp - 8237

Below are all the different types of Clam Corp. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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Specifications Height 75 25 packed Width 75 inches Depth 90 42 packed Weight 145 lbs Instruction p n 102483 www trueblueicefishing com Clam Customer Service I nformation NOTICE ONCE USED THIS SHELTER CANNOT BE RETURNED TO THE STORE I F YOU HAVE A WARRANTY CLAIM HAVE YOUR SALES RECEIPT READY AND CONTACT CLAM CORP CUSTOMER SERVI CE BY EMAI L I NQUI RY OR Dl RECT BY CALLI NG Customer Service Hrs 9am to 4pm Mon Fri Central Standard Time u Clam Corporation 600 Clydesdale Trail Medina MN 55340 u Phone 763 231 4120 u Fax 763 231 4121 u Email customerservice clamcorp com u Website www clamcorp com fCikS 9 l99k L A I I I CORPORATION CLAM CORPORATION CANNOT HONOR WARRANTY ...